Rummy 2 Million was conceived in the summer of 2000, as an alternative to listening to Limp Bizkit. It began innocently enough with Bill, Ben and Larry hanging around looking for something fun to pass the time. The subject of cards came up. Instead of playing a mindless game like Poker, or a childish game like Go Fish, they chose to play Rummy. But a normal game of Rummy 500 would not suffice. Only girls play to 500. Real men play to 1 Million. And if “real men” played to 1 million, then even realer men must play to 2 Million. And so it was done. The guys would play to 2 Million points.
What began as a one-off card game has grown into something much greater. Since 2000, Ben, Larry and Bill have played over 5,000 hands of Rummy together in a multitude of arenas. Games have been held in Kennard Memorial Auditorium, Bentley Municipal Stadium, Kennard Yard in Kennardville, Las Vegas, TD Westminster Garden and even the actual TD Banknorth Garden, while sitting courtside at a Boston Celtics game. But it’s only a start. 2 Million is the goal. The longest running card game in history still has a long way to go.